The average house price on GLENCOE CROFT is £167,125
The most expensive house in the street is 17 GLENCOE CROFT with an estimated value of £216,781
The cheapest house in the street is 25 GLENCOE CROFT with an estimated value of £130,875
The house which was most recently sold was 4 GLENCOE CROFT, this sold on 2 Dec 2016 for £110,000
The postcode for GLENCOE CROFT is LS25 7QZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 GLENCOE CROFT Semi-Detached £145,307 £110,000 2 Dec 2016
5 GLENCOE CROFT Terraced £176,151 £60,000 7 May 2002
15 GLENCOE CROFT Terraced £153,324 £83,500 24 Jul 2009
17 GLENCOE CROFT Terraced £216,781 £129,995 15 Dec 2006
25 GLENCOE CROFT Terraced £130,875 £98,600 16 Nov 2016
33 GLENCOE CROFT Terraced £180,316 £34,000 3 Feb 1997